

Find your Place


Thank you for considering Westwood College. We encourage you to submit your Application via our online process. This will take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete.




As part of our policy, students in all graduate programs must maintain enrollment totaling 10 hrs (or more) overall consecutive six semester periods (including summers).

To ensure that students get the full benefit of the residential college experience, students are expected to maintain full-time enrollment.

Summer registration is not required unless it is part of the program’s curriculum. Students who are in summer-only programs are not required to maintain continuous enrollment in fall and spring terms, but they must maintain summer enrollment each term.

Students who are unable to register in a fall or spring term must inform the College of their enrollment plan by the end of the term drop/add period or else they will be placed on an administrative leave of absence.

After being placed on administrative leave, students who do not communicate with the Office of the Registrar by the end of the term will be withdrawn from the College and will need to reapply for admission if they wish to resume their studies. Students who communicate with the Office of the Registrar before the end of the term may be eligible to request a change from administrative leave to personal leave, when applicable.


On Campus





Upper school interview
(Grade 9-11)

Grayson Black

It is flue season

Elise Birenbloem





Challenge. Learn. Achieve

Wilson Davis

Prepare your summer camp

Grayson Black

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