We serve as a convenient resource for users, customers, or readers to find solutions to
their queries without the need for direct contact with customer support.
From your homepage tap on the position you want to send funds from and select “Move Funds Out” on the Account Details page.
Select “Send to Contact” if trying to send to another business or person (see: How to Create a Contact) or “To Another Bank” if trying to send to another account that you own (see: How to Link an External Account).
To add someone you do frequent business with as a contact to make transactions smoother, tap into the position of the business you want to add the contact to.
Locate the “Contacts” section of the Account Details page and select “View All”. From here you will see your list of existing contacts if applicable as well as the “Add” button to create a new contact.
From your Home Screen tap on your initials to open up your profile in the top right of the screen and select “Staff” under Quick Actions. This will allow you to create sub-users with varying levels of access to the account as detailed below from most access to least access:
Admin Role – Can do anything that the account holder has access to across all positions.
Edit Account – When assigned to a position, has Admin Role capabilities.
View Account – Can only view information of assigned positions
Card Only – Can only see their assigned Card and transactions associated with their card.
IMPORTANT! – Once you create your staff member they will get an email to create their own password and activate their account. After they create their password they can then sign into the app.
Tap into the position you want the Monthly Statement generated for.
Tap on your Account Info section in black at the top of the screen.
At the bottom of the Account Details screen you will see your Monthly Statements section where you can select which month you need and then tap on your desired method of delivery (email or download).
Important! You must first link an external bank account to your SkyFi account as outlined in this article.
After logging into your account, tap on the position that you would like to add funds to and then select “Fund this account”. From here you will have two options to pull funds: Intrabank from another position you own or from a linked external account.
– Select which account you wish to pull from in the drop down menu.
– Input the amount to be pulled down below.
– Tap on Pull Funds to complete the transfer.
– Funds will be moved immediately between the two accounts.
External Account:
– Tap on the “Pull” button
– Select the account you wish to pull funds from in the drop down menu.
– Enter the amount to be pulled in the field underneath.
– Type in a description for the pull under the “Purpose” field.
– Tap on “Submit” to complete the ACH pull initialization.
– Funds will be moved in the next ACH batch window
*Wire transfers are currently under development and will be made available soon.
Linking an external account allows you to easily pull and push funds to and from your SkyFi Business Checking Account.
1. After logging into your account on the SkyFi 2.0 app, tap on your profile in the top right corner of the screen.
2. Tap on External Accounts
3. Select Link external account. This will open a Plaid verification screen.
4. Follow the provided steps to add your information.
5. After your account is verified via Plaid input the name of the account and any other details that did not auto-populate and tap on Submit.
You should now see the account listed under the Accounts header.
After logging into your account you’ll notice a blue “Add Business” button at the bottom of your Home Screen. Selecting this will allow you to go through the KYB process of adding another Business under your User Profile allowing you to manage multiple businesses from one login.
**Only approved users may add more than one business. For More information contact SkyFi Support.
Our Support hours are Monday thru Friday, 9am-5pm EST. If you need assistance outside of those hours you can reach us via email at support@skyfichecking.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Our ACH processes Monday – Friday at the following times (shown in EST):
Cut off time – Processing time
9:15 am – 1:00pm
1:15 pm – 5:00pm
2:45 pm – 6:00pm
Before sending funds: ensure you have the recipient’s account code. This can either be a QR code or the actual Account Code which they can provide to you by tapping on their Account Info in the black box at the top of the Account Details screen and tapping one of the buttons next to “Account Code” under Other Details.
From your “Account Details” page tap on the “Move Funds Out” button and then select “Intrabank Transfer” and fill out the required info.
*If provided a QR code for your recipient then tap on the QR code icon in the Account Code section to bring up the camera to scan.
Verify the information is correct and then tap on “Transfer” at the bottom of the screen to complete the Intrabank transfer.
SkyFi recognizes the following Banking Holidays and will be closed. Please refer to the current year calendar for exact days:
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Juneteenth National Independence Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
333 W. Vine St. Suite 1800 Lexington, KY 40507
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM EST
SkyFi is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Grasshopper Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. FDIC insurance covers deposits only if the bank fails. © 2025 All Rights Reserved SkyFi Business Checking.